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We produce AKC longhair dachshunds.
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We produce AKC longhair dachshunds.
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So how do you actually say the name? Try this, dahks-hund. If you are from the south like I am, its more like dah-kshund. They are also know as Wiener Dog, Sausage Dog, Doxie, and Doxin to name a few.
Archaeologist have discovered the early Dachshund in Egyptian tombs, but it is more widely known that they come from Germany in the 18th century. They were breed as hunting dogs that could go after small animals such as rabbits and badgers. This explains why they like to dig and bark!
In the United States there are two recognized sizes of Dachshund. Miniature and Standard. The Miniature Dachshunds are under 11 pounds at age 1. Standards are over 16 pounds. So what do you call the ones between 12 to 15 pounds? A lot of breeders refer to those as "tweenies" but that is not a recognized term with the American Kennel Club.
There are three official coat types in a Dachshund, smooth, long haired and wire haired. Sometimes you will hear the term broken-coat, which is a Dachshund that's hair is too long to not fit perfectly in the smooth category and too short to fit in the long group. But they will be called long haired. You may also hear of the silky coat Dachshund. A silky comes from breeding of parents that are or carry for wire haired and long haired.
There are a lot of different colors for Dachshunds: Black & Cream, Black & Tan, Blue & Cream, Blue & Tan, Chocolate & Cream, Chocolate & Tan, Cream, Fawn or Isabella & Cream, Fawn & Tan, Red, Wheaten, Wild Boar, Black, Chocolate and Fawn. I personally will not breed Isabella and Blues due to the threat of CDA (see below).
There are six different markings you may hear about. Brindle, Dapple, Sable, Brindle Piebald, Piebald and one that is highly frowned upon is Double Dapple (from breeding two dapples). If planning to breed, you should always do genetic testing to make sure you do not breed two dapples or breed two that are "affected" by PRA (see below).
They love to sniff out treasures, even under the grass. They also like to hunt squirrels, birds, and whatever else. Most get along with fluffy cats though. My Evie does not! Beware kitty, don't come in the yard when Evie is around. Remember that is what they were breed to do.
They will wonder, be nosy and escape from areas you think are secure. Samson can open his kennel door and spend the day lounging around the house. Abi can jump super high and hurdle the pet gates.
Once they set their mind on something it will take their favorite toy or treat to redirect their attention. Watch what they eat, it could be anything. Don’t be surprised if they love their toys or beds to pieces and all the stuffing in the middle. Sammy, Lila and Evie destroyed a new bed I got for them in under a minute! They had that mess everywhere. I am still finding stuffing.
Their life span is an average of 14 and 16 years old. Healthy diets, exercise and maybe some vitamins will help them as they age.
Dachshunds love to bark. You typically won’t have guests come over without your Dachshund telling you about it first. Or it could be just the wind blowing.
If you are not careful, your Dachshund will train you not to take them outside when its wet. They hate the rain. Some aren’t too fond of the cold either, but they sure will look cute in a sweater.
Dachshund Puppies have a reputation of being hard to potty-train. This can be so if you are not consistent with training. Doxies are excited dripplers. Get a urine remover and use treats to let them know when they go in the right place. Don't yell and flip out when they make a mistake. Watch them while you are in the potty training stage, say "ha ha" or something similar to get their attention, pick them up and carry them outside.
Dachshunds need plenty of exercise to burn that energy.
They love to burrow their way under blankets or clothes, so watch where you step or sit.
Dachshunds love to snuggle and are extremely loyal. They are protective of their humans. Don’t be surprised when you can’t leave the room without your Dachshund following you, so watch where you step.
Dachshunds prefer to not be alone. They love to have a companion like a cat or another dog. So why not just get two!
The Dachshunds long bodies make them prone to spinal injuries. Dachshunds should maintain a healthy weight and be prevented from jumping off furniture and traveling up and down stairs. Also they should be held in a way that supports their spine. Symptoms include limping, lame, reluctant to play and yelping when petted. Talk to your vet if your dog experiences any of these symptoms. Mild cases can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicine or it could be severe enough for surgery.
Hip Dysplasia is a deformity of the hip joint when the thigh bone doesn't fit correctly into the socket. This can cause them to not use that joint and drag their leg, have trouble getting up and down and walking difficulties. The best way to combat this disease is by feeding your Dachshund a healthy diet, maybe with calcium to support bone health. Also prevent them from jumping up and down to reduce the strain on their back legs.
Dachshunds love to eat! But they can also develop a hyperthyroid. Make sure you provide a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. It is acceptable to leave food all day for growing puppies, but as Dachshunds get older you may want to regulate their eating to morning and evening feedings. If your Dachshund has weight gain, becomes lethargic or tires easy take your baby to the vet for evaluation.
PRA is a congenital eye problem that can cause dry eye, cataracts and potentially blindness. Unfortunately, there is not a cure for PRA. If you notice that your Dachshund is a little worried about going down stairs or into dark places or if their eyes look a bit cloudy, take them to the vet. All dogs are resilient and can adapt extremely well even if they experience blindness.
CDA is a risk in the dilute color Dachshunds such as fawn and blues. CDA is a condition that can cause your dog's hair shaft to become fragile and break. When this happens under the skin it can kill the follicle and new hair will not grow back. In severe cases CDA can cause extreme hair loss and skin infections. There is no cure for CDA, only treatment of the symptoms and infections.
There are companies that can do genetic testing of your Dachshund to see if they have or carry some of the diseases mentioned above. If I was not a breeder and only a Dachshund Mom, I wouldn't be concerned with genetics. The genetics of my baby won't make me love them any less. Because I am a breeder and want to make sure the puppies we produce are genetically sound I do test all my parents. PawPrints is the company I use.
(318) 316-4103 – WARWICK ROAD, JENA LA 71342
BUYER: ____________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP: _____________________________________
PHONE: (________) ________________ EMAIL: ________________________
This Contract, made and entered on the day of ______________________________, by Amy Spence (Seller/Breeder) and _____________________________ (Buyer) for the puppy identified as/with _______________, who is an American Kennel Club (AKC) registered Dachshund ______(sex), born on _________. This puppy is a ________ (color) Dachshund born from the planned mating of _______________and _______________. Purchase price for above listed puppy is $_________.
On __________ an amount of $_______ was paid as a deposit to reserve the above mentioned puppy. This deposit is non-refundable unless there is a health issue / medical emergency that results in the death of the puppy prior to date of transfer. When you make a deposit on a puppy we no longer advertise that the puppy is for sale. Seller will not hold or reserve a puppy until a deposit is received. If you change your mind about the purchase of your puppy at any time you will lose all of your deposit and it will be relisted as available through no fault of the puppy.
1. The Buyer agrees to provide a life-long commitment, comfortable environment, prompt medical attention, proper grooming and responsible care. This includes keeping this puppy/dog parasite free and up to date on inoculations, heart-worm prevention, proper nutrition, which consists of a good quality professional feed given at regular intervals, and fresh water at all times.
2. The Buyer promises to provide a safe environment for the dog, and never allows the dog to roam freely without proper fencing or supervision. Seller strongly recommends that the puppy/dog be micro-chipped in order to facilitate its return if lost or stolen.
3. Buyer agrees to pay the balance in cash at the time of transfer; unless pet transport services are being used, in which case balances are due at least 2 week prior to transfer via FB Messenger (, PayPal or U.S. Postal Money Order. This is to ensure funds are cleared prior to the transfer of the puppy. If funds have not cleared, puppy will not be transferred to Buyer until which time funds become available to the Seller.
4. The above mentioned puppy will be ready for pick-up 8 weeks from the born on date listed above. Seller will not hold puppy any longer than 9 weeks without additional compensation.
5. The puppy, as described above, is healthy to the best of the Seller’s knowledge and ability. This does not include common puppy issues such as umbilical hernia, worms, fleas, etc. Seller has wormed this puppy at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks. Puppy vaccinations have been given at 6 weeks and 8 weeks of age with the next set of shots due at 12 weeks. Depending on puppies weight at the time of their 8 week exams, they will either be given their first heart-worm preventative or be sent home with a sample.
6. It is the responsibility of the Buyer, at their expense, to have a Veterinarian examine the puppy within 72 business hours (3 days) of purchase. Failure to have the puppy examined implies that the Buyer accepts the puppy “as is.” If the Veterinarian finds a life-threatening health problem with the puppy, the Buyer must inform the Seller within 96 hours (4 days) of purchase and return the puppy and registration papers to the Seller within 48 hours (2 days) from discovery along with a written statement from the Veterinarian as the life-threatening health problems with the puppy. The Seller will then exchange the puppy for another if possible, or refund the purchase price to the Buyer. The Seller is not responsible for any veterinarian bills the Buyer may incur regarding the puppy. Seller reserves the right to have a second veterinarian of her choice evaluate the puppy’s condition before the warranty will be honored. If Buyer elects to keep the puppy/dog, under no circumstances during the life of the dog will the Seller pay or assist in paying veterinary expenses after the purchase of the puppy, including any such expenses directly or indirectly related to any inheritable/genetic defects. Seller recommends Buyer research common health risks of miniature Dachshunds prior to the purchased.
7. Seller makes no guarantee regarding loss of the puppy/dog because of accidental death, theft, sickness, etc. or any other loss beyond Seller’s control.
8. This puppy was sold on a spay/neuter contract with limited AKC registration to promote responsible breeding and should be spayed/neutered at the age recommended by your veterinarian (usually 6 months to 1 year of age). In the event full breeding rights were arranged ahead of time the fee is an additional $300. Only in that case, females may not be breed until second heat or 2 years of age, whichever is later. Seller makes no guarantee of this puppy’s ability to breed nor of their conformity or genetic markers for hereditary diseases, coat or colors. Seller recommends genetic testing prior to breeding.
9. Seller does NOT guarantee the size, color, or show potential of your new puppy. Only the health of your puppy at the time of sale. All puppies are bred from AKC registered parents. The Buyer will receive a registration application at the time of transfer. Application must be completed by the Buyer within one month of transfer. This can be completed online or through the mail to AKC. This is necessary so the Buyer may receive the AKC registration certificate and several other benefits offered by AKC.
10. We strive to breed a great pet dog with friendly temperament that will be a wonderful addition to the Buyer’s home. We cannot guarantee the puppy’s temperament or conformity to standards after the time of purchase. They are socialized while in our care; handled and cuddled daily, introduced to children and other dogs, exploration, loud noises, car rides and veterinarian visits.
11. If at any time the Buyer can no longer retain possession of this dog, the Seller is to be notified and given first option of resuming full ownership of the dog, for Seller to locate this dog a new home. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL WE OFFER A REFUND FOR THIS PURPOSE. The dog will be returned with all AKC papers and medical/shot records. Should any circumstances arise that affect the quality of life of the dog, the Breeder/Seller is to be informed so that they may participate in determining the future of the dog. Under no circumstances will this dog be sold, leased, traded or given away to any pet shop, research laboratory, animal shelter or similar facility.
12. The sales contract is non-transferable. Should the Buyer relinquish ownership of the dog, for any reason, this sales contract shall be deemed null and void.
The Buyer agrees to contact the Seller immediately if any questions or concerns about the dog, such as housing, diet, or health. The Buyer agrees to keep the Seller informed of any treatment as it occurs. This provides the Seller/Breeder with an opportunity to follow up on puppies and give us important feedback and information on the health of our dogs for future generations.
The preceding paragraphs contain conditions established by the Seller to ensure the well-being of the puppy. The Buyer’s Agreement will continue for the duration of the dog’s life and the Seller will have the right to enforce the agreement.
Agreed to this date: ____________________________
Seller: ____________________________________
Buyer: ____________________________________
Printed: ___________________________________
Warwick Rd Jena, LA 71342US
(318) 316-4103 Facebook:
Open today | 09:00 am – 07:00 pm |
We check email and messages through out the day.
I am a God-loving wife, mother and Nana who served her country for 20 years in the United States Air Force.
I love my Dachshund babies and their babies. Every puppy will be loved and spoiled in my home. I look forward to sharing part of my family with you.